Introduction to natural language processing
Topic outline
Course material:
- website main page:
- videos of the lectures :
- (lectures and exercises: all in room CM 5, Wed. 8:15-12:00)
- Zoom (the Zoom meeting is planed for students who cannot show up on campus; it is not considered as the standard way to follow the class):
Important dates:
- Quiz 1: October 19th, 08:15-09:00
- Quiz 2: November 2nd, 08:15-09:00
- Quiz 3: November 23rd, 08:15-09:00
- Quiz 4: December, 21st, 08:15-09:00
- Final Exam:
not known yet.
On due time, you'll find here the handouts (and then the solutions) of the 4 graded quizzes.