Aperçu des semaines

    • Teaching Assistants:

      • Luca Viano (Head TA)
      • Leello Dadi
      • Pedro Abranches
      • Yongtao Wu
      • Zhenyu Zhu
      • Andrej Janchevski
      Should you have any question, please send a mail to the head TA (Luca Viano, email = luca.viano@epfl.ch) or post a question on the Moodle discussion board.

  • 20 February - 26 February

  • 27 February - 5 March

    • MDPs; value and Q functions; value iteration, policy iteration; operator perspectives. Model-free policy-based and value-based methods; Monte Carlo (MC) method and temporal difference (TD) learning.

  • 6 March - 12 March

  • 13 March - 19 March

  • 20 March - 26 March

  • 27 March - 2 April

    • Imitation Learning: Behavioural cloning, Dagger, MCE-IRL, GAIL, P2IL, IQ-Learn
    • A brief description of the project (2 pages including references) which includes the following:

      1. the names of the project team members

      2. motivation of the projects

      3. formal description of the problem and the goal

      4. references

      5. software and computational resources you will use

  • 3 April - 9 April

  • 17 April - 23 April

    • Actor Critic based Deep RL: TRPO, Soft Actor Critic.

      Value based Deep RL: DQN, Double DQN, Rainbow.

      Robust RL and IRL.

  • 22 May - 28 May

    • Dear all,

      please upload for your final report by Thursday , Jun 1st at 11:59 PM.

      Please double-check the submission instructions that we uploaded on Moodle during the first week https://moodlearchive.epfl.ch/2022-2023/pluginfile.php/3047530/mod_resource/content/5/syllabus-2023.pdf (page 3) 

      In particular, we expect between 6 and 8 pages in the NeurIPS template https://neurips.cc/Conferences/2022/PaperInformation/StyleFiles

      The suggested structure is 

      1. Abstract
      2. Introduction
      3. Related Work
      4. Approach
      5. Results
      6. Conclusion
      7. References

      If you ran experiments, please attach your code as supplementary material, uploading a single zip file containing the main report in pdf format and a folder named supplementary for the attached files.
      It is also possible to upload an Appendix in a separate pdf including it in the same zip file.

      The final class is on June 1st when you will be giving a 15 minutes presentation of your project. There is no need to submit the slides you will use at this stage.