Enrolment options

The New Space sector is a fast-growing market, boosting the historical institutional space exploration economy. Morgan Stanley’s Space Team estimates that the roughly $366 billion global space industry in 2020 could surge to over $1 trillion by 2040. The current growth in the development of space infrastructures and production of data from space is opening a full range of new applications with as many new potential businesses.

You will learn about current and future space infrastructures enabling telecommunication, broadcasting, geolocation and Earth Observation. You will learn how space data can enable new products and services to final customers on Earth.

  • Week 1: History and trends in space
  • Week 2: Management of space and impact
  • Week 3: Remote sensing for Earth applications
  • Week 4: Remote communication for Earth applications
  • Week 5: Space a unique environment
  • Week 6: Remote geopositioning and navigation

Self enrolment (Student)
Self enrolment (Student)