Quiz feedback

Quiz feedback

par Guillem Bartrina I Moreno,
Nombre de réponses : 3


Just out of curiosity, are we given a specific feedback message in case we get the maximum score in a quiz? Or just the standard template reporting a range? (i.e. 'Your overall score for this part is between 90% and 100%').


Guillem Batrina

En réponse à Guillem Bartrina I Moreno

Re: Quiz feedback

par Emi Sakamoto,

When you get the maximum score in a quizz you will get the following message: "Your overall score for this part is 100%. Congratulations !".

En réponse à Emi Sakamoto

Re: Quiz feedback

par Victor Jules Alexandre Fournier,

If we don't understand the answer to a question in a quizz (or we want more precision), who should we ask ?

Thanks in advance,
En réponse à Victor Jules Alexandre Fournier

Re: Quiz feedback

par Emi Sakamoto,

You can always come see us (any TAs or SAs) during the exercise sessions (Friday 11:15-15:00).
If it's about a question in the quizz of the lab, after the deadline we will upload the solution on Moodle. If you still don't understand the solution, you can ask here in the forum.
