Semantic vs pragmatic levels

Re: Semantic vs pragmatic levels

par Martin Rajman,
Nombre de réponses : 0


Yes, what you are writing is right.

Concerning your additional question "Is there a threshold for what constitutes "general" knowledge? It feels like determining the level here could be very subjective because there might be a big gray area.":

1. in almost any NLP task, there always is some inherent subjectivity; indeed, the fact that speakers can have the feeling to understand each other strongly relies on the fact that they share a large amount of common knowledge, which allows them to properly contextualize the linguistic entities they are faced with;

2. Deciding what, in this shared knowledge, is of semantic nature, and what is of pragmatic nature is indeed a hard question that linguists have been debating for decades; I usually suggest to rely on a very pragmatic rule of thumb:

- any knowledge that can be reasonably derived from the word definitions one can find in a decent monolingual dictionary is of semantic nature;

- any other knowledge is of pragmatic nature (and, may be described in an encyclopedia).
