ANOVA: used to compare the mean of two groups, but also used to determine whether a new variable is significant

ANOVA: used to compare the mean of two groups, but also used to determine whether a new variable is significant

by Antoine Maier -
Number of replies: 0


I'm confused with something about ANOVA. From what I've read, I see two meaning of ANOVA that are not completely unrelated but I have difficulties to really see the link.

1st: ANOVA is a method used to compare the mean of two groups

2nd: We can use ANOVA to test if a newly added variable in a model is significant or no. More generally, we can use ANOVA to compare two models.

In both cases, the equations and tables look very similar, but from an theoretical point of view, I cannot understand the link between these two utilisations. So are these two things in fact two facets of a unique idea, or is it unfortunate that two unrelated statistical analysis methods have the same name?

Thank you in advance