Individual report topics

Individual report topics

par Darlene Goldstein,
Nombre de réponses : 0

hello everyone - please see this week's moodle for information about choosing a topic for your individual report and how to get a data set to analyze.

I will also take this opportunity to remind you that this project is ENTIRELY INDIVIDUAL and you must work on ALL parts of it ALONE. If you have ANY questions, you should ask ME and ONLY ME.

I will consider ANY violation of this policy to be PLAGIARISM / PLAGIAT and will report it to the EPFL Vice presidence for academic affairs (judicial committee), where you will risk punishment that could include a blâme, reduction in your course note (including possible failure), or in the case of recidivism academic probation or in the most serious cases expulsion from EPFL. 

In previous years I have had to report violations, and these have resulted in serious consequences for the students involved.

Please do not risk your course note or EPFL career - if you have any kind of question or problem, do NOT consult with your friends / colleagues or the assistants. Just ask ME.

Best regards,
