Week 9 video lectures

Week 9 video lectures

par Giorgio Facelli,
Nombre de réponses : 1

Good afternoon,

I wanted to ask if you had some recordings of week 9 lecture, namely the part on Markov Decision Processes. I checked on the website where all the video lectures are listed but I don't seem to find it.

Many thanks,

Giorgio Facelli

En réponse à Giorgio Facelli

Re: Week 9 video lectures

par Wulfram Gerstner,


unfortunately, the life recording in the lecture hall did not work last week. I am sorry that for this reason we cannot make any recordings available.

Having said this, the lecture notes that Dr. Brea has prepared contain  very detailed comments in addition to the slides shown during the lecture, so that all the information necessary for the exercises  (and hence exam) are available. Plus there is always the solution sheet to the exercises.

Kind regards

W. Gerstner