DDPG project report page limit

DDPG project report page limit

par Tudor Andrei Oancea,
Nombre de réponses : 1

Hi there,

I wanted to make sure that the page limit for the DDPG report is actually 5 pages as indicated in the project description. Since it is 10 pages for the DQN project and since there are a lot of figures, 10 pages seem  more sensible.

Thank you for your answer,



En réponse à Tudor Andrei Oancea

Re: DDPG project report page limit

par Sophia Becker,
Yes, the page limit for the DDPG report is 5 pages. One way to reduce the number of plots is e.g. to plot the learning curves for different parameter settings into single plot (in part 5 and 6, where you are asked to vary the parameter). To keep the text short, make sure you write concisely and drop unnecessary information, e.g. you don't need to repeat the project description, as long as you make clear which question you are answering.