report comments are coming

report comments are coming

par Darlene Goldstein,
Nombre de réponses : 0

hello everyone, I am just now posting comments for the regression (group) reports and individual report topics discrete analysis, GLM and GWAS. The anova report comments should come either Thursday or Friday and the survival and logistic report comments shortly after.

I appreciate your patience, it takes a lot of time to give meaningful feedback.

I also want to warn you not to freak out !! Most students over the years do not obtain a preliminary note of at least 4, so if you did then you have already done a good job  :)  And if you got at least a 5 (rounded from 4.875), then you do not need to re-do your report because I will note it as a 6.

If you intend to submit a final report, here are a few tips:

* do not spend more than ~2-3 hours on the group report or more than ~4-5 hours on your individual report, so a total of AT MOST 1 day all together. 

* focus on content rather than 'prettiness' - I have tried to indicate what content needs improvement, don't worry about blurry plots, etc. However, you must NOT include any raw R input or output, it will not be possible to get a 6 if you include raw R, regardless of the content.

* this includes R formulas - write any equation in mathematical form, not as an R formula.

* you should approach these works as opportunities to learn - NO STRESS !! I promise you that I will be much more gentle with the final notes  🙂 , and these preliminary notes are quite similar to those of previous years (where as far as I can remember, no one has failed).

* if your final individual report note is higher than your note taking into account the group work, ONLY YOUR INDIVIDUAL NOTE WILL COUNT AS YOUR FINAL COURSE NOTE.

The final Final FINAL deadline to turn in any report is 16 July 23.59 VERY LATEST (earlier is better, and you will not be penalized for turning it in earlier). I am required to turn in the course notes on 17 July so I cannot accept any report later than this.

You can find the comments near the very bottom of the course moodle page, but please contact me if you have any trouble finding your comments.

Please let me know if you have any questions or problems, and good luck on your exams.

Best regards,
