• Motivations for remote voting and E-voting

    • Short-term, pragmatic considerations

      • Convenience

      • Usability, accessibility, inclusion: e.g., people with disabilities

      • Boost voter turnout, participation?

    • Longer-term: enabler for continuous-participation democracy?

      • Liquid democracy

      • Online deliberative polls

      • Iterative collective wisdom-finding ala Venice doge elections

  • History of practical E-voting

    • Estonia

    • Switzerland

    • US (e.g., Voatz)

  • Voting stages

    • Forming/marking ballots

    • Casting ballots

    • Anonymizing ballots

    • Tallying ballots

  • Challenges

    • Authentication: ensure that only authorized voters can vote

    • Inclusion: ensure that all authorized voters can vote

    • Integrity: ensure correctness of result

    • Privacy: keep secret how you voted (and sometimes even whether you voted)

      • Coercion-resistance: vote privacy even if voter is “cooperating”

    • Transparency: ability to convince voters that the vote is correct

  • In-person electronic voting

    • Scantegrity

    • STAR-Vote

  • Remote electronic voting (e-voting or i-voting)

    • Estonia i-voting

      • Verifiability of cast vote, but server side just trusted

    • JCJ, Civitas: end-to-end verifiability

    • Votegral?

  • Blockchain voting

    • Lots of hype

    • Limited (sometimes no) privacy, no coercion-resistance

  • Technical elements

    • Vote encryption

      • Continuing challenge: long-term privacy, quantum computers

    • Shuffle proofs: cryptographic (e.g., Neff); cut-and-choose (Scantegrity)

    • Homomorphic encrypted computation, SMPC

    • Cast-as-intended proofs: code voting (Switzerland), Benaloh challenges

Last modified: Thursday, 22 December 2022, 13:14