We are pleased to announce the publication on Module, of the gas safety training developed by the OHS department for the EPFL community.

The goal of this training is to help students, postdocs, and scientific and technical staff identify the hazards of installing and manipulating compressed gas, understand how to minimize the risk of having an accident and get familiar with the safety gas regulations of EPFL.

The points covered in this safety course are:

  • Safety principles                       
  • Gas cylinders
  • Gas properties
  • How can we mitigate risk?
  • Storage of gas cylinders
  • Connections and threads 
  • Gas distribution system: changing cylinders
  • Laboratory setups
  • Gas detection
  • Take-home message


We are at your disposal for any further questions related to gas safety.

 Let’s improve the safety of our campus together!

Nous avons le plaisir d'annoncer la publication sur Moduel de la formation à la sécurité des gaz développée par le département SST (OHS) pour la communauté de l'EPFL.

L'objectif de cette formation est d'aider les étudiants, les postdocs, le personnel scientifique et technique à identifier les dangers liés à l'installation et à la manipulation de gaz comprimé, à comprendre comment minimiser le risque d'accident et à se familiariser avec la réglementation de l'EPFL en matière de sécurité des gaz.

Les points de sécurité abordés dans le cours sont les suivants :

  • Principe de sécurité                 
  • Cylindre de gaz
  • Propriétés des gaz
  • Comment pouvons-nous mitiger le risque ?
  • Stockage de cylindres de gaz
  • Raccords et filetages 
  • Système de distribution de gaz: changement de cylindre
  • Montages de laboratoire 
  • Détection de gaz
  • Message à retenir

 Nous sommes à votre disposition pour toute question relative à la sécurité du gaz.

 Améliorons ensemble la sécurité de notre campus !

This course is a supplement to the 'Ionising radiation safety training' and is designed for those who intend to work with unsealed sources. This course is also necessary to gain access to type C laboratories.

All users of ionizing radiation sources must be fully aware of the associated risks and how they can be used safely.
OHS offers a short training course tailored to anyone using, handling, storing, or responsible for the safety of ionizing sources. Users will be made aware of related hazards so that they can identify risks and adopt safe general work practices regarding:

  •    open and sealed sources;
  •    X-ray and gamma-ray generating equipment;
  •    Working areas
  •    how to be protected and optimize activities;

In order to use laser class 3B and 4, the user needs an authorization.

There are two requirements for obtaining this authorization:

- Completing Laser equipment specific training. All personnel working with lasers of class 3B and 4 must be instructed about laser setup he/ she is going to use and safety measures specific to the laboratory. The laboratory head is responsible for the organization of the equipment specific training, usually given by senior staff.

- Successful completion of the present laser safety training and passing the test.