Miniproject group

Miniproject group

par Ahmad Bilal Kakar,
Nombre de réponses : 2


I wanted to know if there is any page/form to register the groups or how? until which date should we form the group and what happens if we don't have any? 

Thanks in advance

En réponse à Ahmad Bilal Kakar

Re: Miniproject group

par Sophia Becker,
Dear Ahmad,

yes, there will be a platform available on the moodle course page where you can find partners for the project. We will put the platform online this week, so you can already start looking for project partners but you still have plenty of time to find your group since the projects will only be handed out on April 9th.

It's usually not a problem to find a partner to work with so we require you to work in groups of two. If there are special circumstances that prevent you from working in a group, please contact me via email:

En réponse à Sophia Becker

Re: Miniproject group

par Sophia Becker,
I just made the forum available. You can post a request to find a project partner by opening a new discussion topic.