Stochasticity (MP2)

Stochasticity (MP2)

par Ali Bakly,
Nombre de réponses : 4

For agent 1 (K=n=1) we implement stochasticity such that the reward is zeroed out with a probability of 0.9. Should we also use this for the rest of the agents in the project, with the same mask of probability 0.9?

En réponse à Ali Bakly

Re: Stochasticity (MP2)

par Skander Moalla,

Thanks a lot for the question. Yes, stochasticity should be used throughout the project starting from 3.2. Agent 1 without stochasticity is used to make sure the basic implementation is correct. Then to observe the benefits of the additional components, stochasticity is necessary.

En réponse à Skander Moalla

Re: Stochasticity (MP2)

par Ali Bakly,

Thanks for the answer! In that case should we only include plots for agent1 with stochasticity?

En réponse à Ali Bakly

Re: Stochasticity (MP2)

par Skander Moalla,
No, both should be included. In particular, the value loss of agent 1 without stochasticity is an important success criterion.
En réponse à Skander Moalla

Re: Stochasticity (MP2)

par Skander Moalla,
I updated the initial reply with the comment: "Agent 1 without stochasticity is used to make sure the basic implementation is correct. Then to observe the benefits of the additional components, stochasticity is necessary."