Individual report length

Individual report length

par Darlene Goldstein,
Nombre de réponses : 0
hello everyone, just to make clear the page limit for your individual report:

There is (in principle) a maximum of 10 (not 7) pages, NOT including any references or any necessary appendix (for example, if you have a big table that you would like to include). 

Please do not use an appendix to get around the page limit - if I have to keep flipping back and forth, it will not be easy to follow what you are saying, and in any case you should not need more space - if it is taking you more space, then you need to re-think things and re-phrase to be more clear and concise.

Also, please bear in mind that one purpose of your report is to convince me that you understand what you are doing. That means you need to explain things IN YOUR OWN WORDS - don't copy 'fancy' / 'beautiful' language from another source, and certainly not without proper attribution.

A new moodle slot will open for late submissions once the current one is closed, you don't need to ask for a personal extension; remember: all 'deadlines' are artificial - NO STRESS !!

Please don't hesitate to ask me if you have any questions.

Best regards,