MP2 - Hidden layers

MP2 - Hidden layers

par Thomas Brunet,
Nombre de réponses : 4


So after the exercise session and what we saw, I re-ran using only 1 hidden layer and it does seem to be the problem, at least it looks like what you have. Should I use 1 hidden layer then for the report or 2 ?


En réponse à Thomas Brunet

Re: MP2 - Hidden layers

par Skander Moalla,
2 as in the project description.
En réponse à Skander Moalla

Re: MP2 - Hidden layers

par Thomas Brunet,
Hello, just to be perfectly sure, is nn.Sequential(nn.Linear(input, 64), nn.Tanh(), nn.Linear(64,64), nn.Tanh(), nn.Linear(64,output)) considered as a 2 hidden layers nn or 1 hidden layer ?
En réponse à Thomas Brunet

Re: MP2 - Hidden layers

par Skander Moalla,
Yeah looking back at the solutions, everything is actually fine, we have tested with 2 as indicated in the project.
What you refer to is indeed 2 hidden layers (you call Linear 3 times and the last one is the output layer not counter as hidden)
En réponse à Skander Moalla

Re: MP2 - Hidden layers

par Thomas Brunet,
Ok perfect. We were actually using 3 hidden layers then, which explain why what we had so messy.
Thanks you again.