Questions for the exams

Questions for the exams

by David Friou -
Number of replies: 1


I have a couple of questions regarding the exam:

1.- Are we allowed to use a tablet for our handwritten notes for the A5 page ?

2.- Will the exam include questions related to the computer exercises, or will it only cover the theoretical ones ?

Thanks in advance :)

In reply to David Friou

Re: Questions for the exams

by Sophia Becker -

1. It's better if you bring notes that are directly handwritten, but we also allow print-outs of your handwritten tablet/ipad notes, as long as you print them large enough to be still readable (i.e. in a size that is equivalent to handwriting). The same size constraints (A5 double-sided or A4 single-sided) apply.

2. We cannot answer specific questions about the exam content. In general, all lecture and exercise material (except for the mini-projects) is relevant for the exam. We will not ask you to code as part of the exam. You can check the slides of week 1 and week 14 for tips regarding the exam preparation:

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