Feedback - Group report 1 ready + Update - final deadline

Feedback - Group report 1 ready + Update - final deadline

by Darlene Goldstein -
Number of replies: 0
hello everyone,

For Group report 1:

  • I have posted the feedback from group report 1 at the bottom of the course moodle page, there is a separate file for each of the 4 problems (R1, R2, A1, A2). 
  • I have not yet finished any late reports, those should come over the weekend.

For the Individual reports (report 3):

  • I should finish commenting the on time reports by the weekend.
  • I hope to finish commenting ALL reports by the end of the weekend.

UPDATE: Final deadline

  • The FINAL deadline for ALL reports is now 14 July 23.59. I can give a little leeway until 15 July 12.00 (NOON) at the VERY LATEST.
  • I cannot accept any report later than this for any reason.
About the report comments

  • I have tried to give as much constructive feedback as possible. Do NOT freak out about your (preliminary) note. 
  • I will be more generous in grading your final reports (both group and individual), so.......
  • Do not take more than ~ 2-4 hours at most to revise your report, and focus most on the parts where you will pick up a lot of points --> NO STRESS !!!!! 😀

As a reminder:

  • Report 1 can be at most 7 pages, Report 3 at most 10 pages (very max !!).
  • The page limitation does NOT count References and any Appendix - BUT: please only make an Appendix if you have a large table or plots on a very large number of variables that would disrupt the flow of your report. 
  • Please do NOT put a lot of stuff in an Appendix to get around the page limitation. If it looks to me like that's what you are doing, there will be a penalty.
  • Please follow ALL instructions about reports (Evaluation criteria and Additional tips).

Final report slots:

  • I have opened slots to deposit final reports (group and individual), they are near the bottom of the course moodle page.
  • Please try very hard to deposit your report in the correct slot, and please respect the file naming conventions I have posted. Many of you did not do this, making it difficult for me to keep track of submissions: 
  • (--> Hint: naming your submission 'report1.pdf' or 'biostats.pdf' is not very helpful !! Imagine how many of these I received, and then I have to open the file to see who it's from, rename it, re-organize all the files, etc.....)

I will try to catch up on email, and I appreciate how patient you all have been. I hope your exams are going well for you !!

Best regards,