Final Exam and Final Grades

Final Exam and Final Grades

by Yanina Shkel -
Number of replies: 0

Dear All,

We have graded the final exam and uploaded your grades. You should soon see your final course grade in ISAcadmia, and the final exam grade on Moodle.

If you would like to consult your final exam, we will have office hours scheduled as follows:

Wednesday, July 17, 3pm-4pm - TA Marco in INR 136

Tuesday, July 23, 11am-noon - Prof. Yana in INR 131

Let us know if you cannot make those times, and we will try to make other arrangements. However, it is possible that we will not be available until September. If you have quick questions about grading (e.g. points got added wrong, etc) we will try to address them during the office hours. However, for any regrade requests we may ask you to submit your request in writing so that we can look at it carefully and get back to you.

Thank you all for a great semester! We truly enjoyed teaching this class and we wish you a nice summer!

- APA Teaching Team