final reports

final reports

par Darlene Goldstein,
Nombre de réponses : 0

hello everyone,

It has come to my attention that some of you are depositing your FINAL reports in the 'More LATE reports' slot...... this is very confusing and creates a substantial amount of extra work for me, so........

When you deposit your FINAL reports, please put them in the correct FINAL turnitin slot. If you previously submitted a FINAL report but not to turnitin, please (re)submit it to the correct FINAL turnitin slot. Thank you very much for your help in this.

Also: some of you have tried to upload massive files, which will get rejected by the file size limit I have imposed. Typically, your file will end up too big by including a large (file size) figure. To deal with this, please save your figure as a jpeg / jpg, then re-compile your report file. This should fix the problem, but if not then please email me and we will figure out a solution.

As a reminder: no report freak-outs, no stress, don't take more than a small number of hours to make any revisions, and relax and congratulate yourselves on a job well done!!  😀

Best regards,