Conisder using Ed

Conisder using Ed

par Alberto Centonze,
Nombre de réponses : 1


I'm reaching out to suggest considering replacing the Moodle forum with EdStem for the course. I believe it offers several significant advantages:

  1. User Experience: EdStem's modern and user-friendly interface greatly improves the user experience.
  2. Avoid Duplication: As users type their questions, they are shown related previous questions, helping reduce duplicates.
  3. Advanced Features: EdStem supports code snippets with syntax highlighting and LaTeX equations for advanced math.
  4. Anonymity: Students can publish questions anonymously, ensuring they feel comfortable asking without judgment. However, TAs will still be able to see who posted them.
  5. Widespread Acceptance: EdStem is endorsed by EPFL and is the chosen platform for most courses in the IC section. In a recent class, when the professor for computer security asked which platform students preferred, an overwhelming majority signaled their preference for Ed over Moodle.
  6. Email Management: With customizable email notifications, students' inboxes won't be overwhelmed.
  7. Scalability: As course enrollment grows, EdStem scales more effectively than the Moodle forum.

I understand the complexities involved in transitioning, but I genuinely believe that both TAs and students will find EdStem to be an invaluable tool. If there's any hesitation, perhaps a poll among the students could provide clearer insights?

Thank you for considering this suggestion.

En réponse à Alberto Centonze

Re: Conisder using Ed

par Haoqian Zhang,

Thank you so much for your suggestion. Since this semester has already started, we prefer not to make any changes to replace Moodle this year. But certainly, we would consider it for the future years.
