Consider using Ed

Consider using Ed

by Yago Pérez Pérez -
Number of replies: 2


I am transferring here a message that has been used to request the use of an EdStem forum in various classes, as I believe it would be beneficial in Quantum Information Processing as well :

I'm reaching out to suggest considering replacing the Moodle forum with EdStem for the course. I believe it offers several significant advantages:

  1. User Experience: EdStem's modern and user-friendly interface greatly improves the user experience.
  2. Avoid Duplication: As users type their questions, they are shown related previous questions, helping reduce duplicates.
  3. Advanced Features: EdStem supports code snippets with syntax highlighting and LaTeX equations for advanced math.
  4. Anonymity: Students can publish questions anonymously, ensuring they feel comfortable asking without judgment. However, TAs will still be able to see who posted them.
  5. Widespread Acceptance: EdStem is endorsed by EPFL and is the chosen platform for most courses in the IC section. In a recent class, when the professor for computer security asked which platform students preferred, an overwhelming majority signaled their preference for Ed over Moodle.
  6. Email Management: With customizable email notifications, students' inboxes won't be overwhelmed.
  7. Scalability: As course enrollment grows, EdStem scales more effectively than the Moodle forum.

I understand the complexities involved in transitioning, but I genuinely believe that both TAs and students will find EdStem to be an invaluable tool. If there's any hesitation, perhaps a poll among the students could provide clearer insights?

Thank you for considering this suggestion.

In reply to Yago Pérez Pérez

Re: Consider using Ed

by Florian Kolly -
I'll try to bring attention to this post once again: we need an Ed Forum to ask questions! We only have one hour of exercises, which is clearly not enough to be able to complete everything, and Moodle is not a place to ask questions (as stated above). It was also brought up in the indicative feedback (which were apparently ignored by the teaching staff) by many students.
In reply to Florian Kolly

Re: Consider using Ed

by Nicolas Macris -

I will be happy to meet you in person in class or exercise to discuss this issue.

I commented on the indicative evaluation a couple of weeks ago and nobody raised this issue.

Moodle forums work quite well and there have been quite a few questions even technical to which we answer quite quickly wether its evening, week-end and so on.

I know that Ed has become popular and may switch next semester. I am using Ed in another master class this semester and frankly i dont see much added value as all its functionalities are not really used in practice.

Electronic ways have their limitations and its anyway much better to come ask questions in person at the exercise session. There are 5TAs plus often myself. So during one hour i think everybody has a chance to discuss the questions. Besides some of us also stay longer after 17h.

In any case i’ll be happy to discuss this but in person.

Nicolas Macris