Quiz 1 Question 2 Subquestion 4

Quiz 1 Question 2 Subquestion 4

par Edison Alain von Matt,
Nombre de réponses : 4
I am maybe missing something but I do not understand why the number of miss-classified data points is 20 and not 15.

Could you please provide an explanation?

Thank you very much!
En réponse à Edison Alain von Matt

Re: Quiz 1 Question 2 Subquestion 4

par Jean-Cédric Chappelier,
There was indeed one error (copy-paste :-( ) in one of the random variations of that question. Sorry for that!
12 of you were concerned. I fixed it and the grades are now updated (+0.4 points).
En réponse à Jean-Cédric Chappelier

Re: Quiz 1 Question 2 Subquestion 4

par Federico Di Gennaro,
I also have a doubt on one question of the quiz. in the sentence "Surfing is amazing in Australian beaches.", shouldn't be "on" instead of "in"? that's why I selected only lexical.
En réponse à Federico Di Gennaro

Re: Quiz 1 Question 2 Subquestion 4

par Jean-Cédric Chappelier,
I'm not sure you can really surf ON a beach (but I'm not a native speaker); but that distinction would be semantic anyway.

Furthermore, you can surf in Australia or surf in Australian area, so the sentence is at least syntactically correct.
En réponse à Jean-Cédric Chappelier

Re: Quiz 1 Question 2 Subquestion 4

par Jean-Cédric Chappelier,
Some statistics: among the 36 who answered:
3 said "lexical"
7 said "syntactic"
2 said "semantic"
24 said "pragmatic"