HW 1 - feedback

HW 1 - feedback

par Guillaume Carraux,
Nombre de réponses : 7
could it be possible to see on what matter the homework 1 was graded ?

also, are you sure that the points are given on a scale fron 0 to 9 ? seems odd to get half the points when all questions given on the paper are answered
En réponse à Guillaume Carraux

Re: HW 1 - feedback

par Riad Braimovic,
I hope so, but since we didn't even get access to review our quiz I guess not :( (pls i'm sure there is only a few buttons to grant us access to the quiz)
En réponse à Riad Braimovic

Re: HW 1 - feedback

par Louis-Henri Manuel Jakob Merino,
We can discuss with you the rubric in-person. The scale out of 9 is correct.

Regarding the quiz, we do not release the quiz questions.
En réponse à Louis-Henri Manuel Jakob Merino

Re: HW 1 - feedback

par Guillaume Carraux,
I would very much like to discuss it in person. could it be possible to talk about it this friday during the exercise session (13h15) ?
En réponse à Guillaume Carraux

Re: HW 1 - feedback

par Louis-Henri Manuel Jakob Merino,

Yes, let’s meet at 13h30.