Name assigned to N/A

Name assigned to N/A

par Nur Ertug,
Nombre de réponses : 5


I wanted to inquire about the status of my name in the Google Docs of Proposal Assignment. I submitted my proposal approximately four days ago, and I noticed that my name is currently listed as "N/A." I would appreciate it if you could kindly provide an update on the status of my proposal and my name assignment in the document. Thank you for your assistance, and I look forward to your response.

En réponse à Nur Ertug

Re: Name assigned to N/A

par Guillaume Carraux,
I'm in the same situation, as well as 30 other people
En réponse à Guillaume Carraux

Re: Name assigned to N/A

par Guillaume Carraux,
also, I have to submit a solution proposal twice to the same thread. That's not really a problem from my side, but I guess you don't really want that
En réponse à Guillaume Carraux

Re: Name assigned to N/A

par Nur Ertug,
My questions was for the assistants of the course . I asked to know if my proposal wasn't seen or if my writing wasn't getting graded or not . Hope your second submission works well for you
En réponse à Nur Ertug

Re: Name assigned to N/A

par Guillaume Carraux,
yeah sure, It was just easier for me to post about my problem here than to create a new thread, but I guess I'll need to do that