Length of the write-up

Length of the write-up

par Arthur Chatelain,
Nombre de réponses : 5


In our write up we are including a lot of images and graphs which are taking a lot of space so we are running over 3 pages for our sub team. We would like to know if images counts in the length of the write up and if they do can we just put them in an annex so it doesn't penalize us too much. Moreover how strict are the lenth rules since we have a lot to talked about and it would be more interesting if we could detail some topics more?

En réponse à Arthur Chatelain

Re: Length of the write-up

par Haoqian Zhang,
Yes, you can put the images in the Appendix. However, any content in the Appendix are not required to be read by the graders. The main content should always be self-containing.

En réponse à Haoqian Zhang

Re: Length of the write-up

par Gustav Skytte Skov,
But do images still count in the length of the write-up?

For instance, we are allowed to turn in 3 pages. Is it then around 1800 characters per page, so 5400 characters in total or is it actually 3 pages.

If it is actually 3 pages, then the formatting will be very tight - at least in our case.
En réponse à Gustav Skytte Skov

Re: Length of the write-up

par Arthur Chatelain,
Same for us if it is actually 3 pages it would be unfortunate because the images would have to be very small and so we'll lose in clarity when we could just put them normally sized if they didn't count