Today submit: on loomio, on moodle, or on both?

Today submit: on loomio, on moodle, or on both?

par Alvaro Julien Moya Mendez,
Nombre de réponses : 1


If we understood correctly, there is only *one* pdf, containing all the subgroups texts to post to a thread on loomio?

If it is not the case, do we have to do something different?(on moodle too? different pdf per sub team?)

En réponse à Alvaro Julien Moya Mendez

Re: Today submit: on loomio, on moodle, or on both?

par Louis-Henri Manuel Jakob Merino,

Yes, as stated in the HW assignment, you only need to create a NEW thread in Loomio:

"Please create a NEW thread on Loomio and attach your write-up and any additional supporting material that you have. You should name your thread as: [Team Name]: [Title of your proposed solution]. The deadline for submitting your solution proposal is Friday, December 1 @ 23:59."