DAO homework

DAO homework

par Jeanne De Marmiés,
Nombre de réponses : 3


For the homework we have to answer some questions, espacially this one :

  1. (a) If instead of making a single proposal of the three win, you want to vote as many times for the proposals as possible, what is the best strategy? (b) How many votes can you give to each of the three proposals if you use the strategy in (a)? (c) Could you vote more times if you had the same number of tokens but there were more than three proposals?
I do not understand the part (a) of the question and therefore not the following. Could you refomulate the question (a) please ?

Thanks in advance.

En réponse à Jeanne De Marmiés

Re: DAO homework

par Nathaniel Amram Assayag,
I understood this question as: Your goal is to vote as many times as possible regardless of what proposal you vote for, i.e. voting once for mint, once for chocolate, and five times on vanilla adds up to 7 votes(you want to maximize that number)
En réponse à Nathaniel Amram Assayag

Re: DAO homework

par Grace Ledin,
Do you assume that you have 9 tokens? Or should we give the result for an arbitrary number t of tokens?