Unable to find qiskit in jupyter lab

Re: Unable to find qiskit in jupyter lab

par Daniel Andrzej Polka,
Nombre de réponses : 0
Ok thanks!

Actually I managed to fix it in the end, for anyone who might be encountering the same problem, the issue was that the virtual environment was set up correctly but not "registered" for jupyter lab (so it existed, but jupyter lab was using my global conda environment instead). To fix this, you first need to activate your virtual environment (let's say its name is "my_env"), then run the following command to "register" your environment:
python -m ipykernel install --user --name=my_env
Next, launch (or restart) jupyter lab. Then go to the "Kernel" drop-down menu and click "Change Kernel...", where you should be able to choose your environment my_env, then it should all work.