Trace circuit ex1.2

Trace circuit ex1.2

by Alice Marianne Reymond -
Number of replies: 1

In my group we're trying to do ex1.2 of the quantum circuit theory exercise but we're really stuck.
We have computed the state of qbit 1 after the first Hadamard gate but don't know how to do the math after this.
What equation do we have to write/solve ? We don't really get what parts of the controlled unitary are applied to what qbits and very confused about what "halves of the Bell pairs" the handout is refering to.

Can you help us understand what math we're supposed to do here?

In reply to Alice Marianne Reymond

Re: Trace circuit ex1.2

by Dina Khaled Sayed Abdelhadi -
I hope you have managed to understand this from the previous exercise sessions, and if you still have questions, may be you can ask in today's session.