Length of answers in the exam

Length of answers in the exam

par Carolina Alba Marugan Rubio,
Nombre de réponses : 3


I was a bit confused because I think from what was said in the last lecture about length of space in our answers it was supposed to be something like one page and a half, and rather concise answers were preferred. But even writing more than that I counted the words approximately and maybe they don't reach 500. Is this a problem? Can we know how much were we supposed to write in pages? (considering a page one face of the sheet).

Thank you very much.

En réponse à Carolina Alba Marugan Rubio

Re: Length of answers in the exam

par Eva Mangano,

Hey! A rule of thumb for counting words is that 1 line ≈ 10 words and there were 23 lines on a page. So I would say approximately two pages? This is nothing official though

En réponse à Eva Mangano

Re: Length of answers in the exam

par Louis-Henri Manuel Jakob Merino,

That's correct and a good estimation. We will be flexible regarding the word count, prioritizing the quality, depth, and succinctness of your responses over their length.