Semaine Nom Description
Dossier HDU Ressources internet

HDU Ressources internet

Fichier HDU Bibliographie recommandée

HDU Bibliographie recommandée

Fichier Programme 2018-2019

Programme 2018-2019

17 septembre - 23 septembre Fichier Urbanisation mondiale et croissance économique - UN-Habitat 2010
Fichier Technologies and cities - Bolay-Kern
Fichier World urbanization

World urbanization

Fichier Tendances de l'urbanisation dans le monde

Tendances de l'urbanisation dans le monde

URL World' Cities 2016

World's Cities 2016

United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division (2016). The World’s Cities in 2016 – Data Booklet (ST/ESA/SER.A/392). New York: United Nations.

Fichier cours 1 Urbanisation - J-C Bolay 19sept2018

cours 1 Urbanisation - J-C Bolay

24 septembre - 30 septembre Fichier Environnement urbain - JCB & YP
Fichier What sustainable development for the cities of the South? Urban issues for a third millennium
The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) – proclaimed in the year 2000 and aimed at guiding the
planet’s management and its priorities for the next 15 years – were widely based on the concept of ‘sustainable
development’. This concept will be once again broadly discussed in 2012 on the occasion of the
United Nations Rio+20 Summit. It will be an opportunity to decipher to what extent the city, as much
from a spatial as from a societal point of view, is a stakeholder in such debate. After analysing the various
interpretations of the concept of ‘sustainable development’, this article questions its implementation within
the framework of the MDGs and the role assigned to urban actions. Due to its complexity and in spite of its
economic and demographic prevalence, urbanism has been bypassed by a number of international global
initiatives launched to date. A series of options have been proposed to finally give the city the high profile it
deserves in any sustainable development analysis, aiming as much at the urbanistic and material production
as at the social and economic balance of its inhabitants.
Keywords: cities; urbanism; urban environment; Millennium Development Goals; sustainable
Fichier Environnement urbain et habitat - HCMC

Environnement urbain et habitat - HCMC

Dossier Urbanizacion medio ambiente y sociedad

Urbanizacion medio ambiente y sociedad - BOLAY y TABOADA

Dossier Sustainable development in a post-Brundtland world

Sustainable development in a post-Brundtland world

Dossier The Sustainable Development Goals

The Sustainable Development Goals

Dossier Rethinking sustainable urban development

Rethinking sustainable urban development

Fichier cours 2 -- développement urbain durable - J-C Bolay 26sept2018

cours 2 -- développement urbain durable - J-C Bolay

Fichier cours 2 - HCMC société urbaine - partie 2 J-C Bolay 26sept2018

cours 2 - HCMC société urbaine - partie 2 J-C Bolay

1 octobre - 7 octobre Fichier urban planning in Africa
Fichier intermediate city in Brasil
Dossier Urban planning in developing world

Urban planning in developing world

Fichier Urban planning - PowerPoint leçon 3 JCB

Urban planning - leçon 3 JCB

Fichier Planning the Intermediate City - The Case of the City of Nueve de Julio, Argentina

Planning the Intermediate City, or How to Do
Better with Little: The Case of the City of Nueve
de Julio, Argentina

Current Urban Studies 2018

Fichier Urban Planning - What can we learn from Koudougou

Urban Planning in the Developing World:
What can we learn from Koudougou, Burkina Faso?

8 octobre - 14 octobre URL Open Access writings by John Turner
Fichier Half-happy architecture by Boano & Vergara Perucich
Fichier Presentation 10th October
15 octobre - 21 octobre Fichier Presentation 18th Oct.
29 octobre - 4 novembre Fichier Presentation 31 Oct 2018
19 novembre - 25 novembre Fichier Barrio in USA
Fichier Urban informality
Fichier Subaltern urbanism
Fichier Right to the City
Fichier Learning from Lagos
Fichier Violence Of Urbanization
3 décembre - 9 décembre Fichier urbanisme de la peur
Fichier asphalt bandits