Enrolment options

The goal is to provide students with a complete overview of the principles and key applications of modern mass spectrometry and meet the current practical demand of EPFL researchers to improve structural analsis of molecules. Numerous instrumental aspects of mass spectrometry are described.


The course program includes:

  • Mass spectrometry basics (ionization techniques, mass analyszers and detectors) and applications
  • Tandem mass spectrometry and hyphenation with separation (UPLC and GC) systems
  • Fragmentation mechanisms/techniques and structural analsis for identification of compounds
  • Fourier-Transform Mass spectrometry (Orbitrap and ICR mass analyzers)
  • Quantification (absolute and relative) methods with low resolution (triple quadrupole) and high-resolution (QTOF and Orbitrap) instruments
  • Analysis of biomolecules such as bottom-up and top-down MS for peptide/protein analysis, analysis of binding sites of metallated-ligands on peptides…
  • Open-source tools for Advanced analysis of mass spectra
  • Proteomics, lipidomics and metabolomics fields


 The course includes practical work in mass spectrometry that will be given mostly in the Mass Spectrometry Service Facility of ISIC (SSMI, SB, EPFL) and in the Proteomic Core Facility (PCF, SV, EPFL).

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