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In this two-day short course we will dive into the design of silicon photonic circuits. Silicon photonics is the first technology that allows the integration of thousands of optical building blocks on the surface of a chip. This makes it necessary to start thinking of photonics in the form of circuits, rather than individual building blocks. Like in electronics, circuits combine simple blocks to achieve functionality and complexity. In this course, we will take a hands-on approach toward photonic circuit design. Using a web browser environment using Jupyter notebooks, we will learn the basic design principles, construct simulate photonic circuits and wavelength filters, use parametric design to break down the complexity onto manageable parts, and simulate how our circuit should work after fabrication, even in the presence of imperfections.

Day 1

  •   Introduction: silicon photonics + design flow
  •   Building the first circuits
  •   Silicon waveguides, directional couplers
  •   parametric design, PCells, custom layouts


Day 2

  •  Wavelength Filters: lattice filters, AWGs , echelle gratings
  •  Variability in Photonic Circuits.
  • Design Project
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