Enrolment options

Biometrics refers to the automated recognition of individuals based on their behavioural (speech, ...) and biological (face, fingerprint, iris, ...)  characteristics for identification or authentication. It is a truly multidisciplinary domain at the intersection of bio-physiology, signal processing, machine learning, and cryptology, and provides multiple fundamental scientific challenges in these domains.

This course introduces to the analysis, modelling and interpretation of biometric data for biometric person recognition, forensic biometrics, cybersecurity and behavioural biometrics in man-machine communication.

The course « Biometrics » (3 ECTS) is taught jointly to EPFL students and to students in Forensic sciences at the University of Lausanne (UNIL).

The official course content is available here:

Students registered in specializations E (DATA SCIENCE AND SYSTEMS) and F (SIGNAL, IMAGE, VIDEO AND COMMUNICATION) can take this course as optional course of those specializations (and thus count those 3 ECTS as part of the 30 ECTS needed for the specialization). The other students can take that course as optional course outside a specialization.

Students willing to follow that course need to register to that course at the UNIL School of Forensic Sciences (https://www.unil.ch/esc/enseignement/masters) as well as on IS-Academia by choosing  "Cours UNIL - Faculté de droit et des sciences criminelles I (automne) » under « autres matières ». Additionally, please let the section (Dr Philippe Gay-Balmaz - philippe.gay-balmaz@epfl.ch) know that you registered to that course.

Self enrolment (Student)
Self enrolment (Student)
Guest access
Guest access