Feedback Tutorial 2

Feedback Tutorial 2

by Claudine Bettina Karlen -
Number of replies: 1

Thanks Lucas for your feedback for Tutorial 2!

Regarding the very last reaction: As I understood it, we don't need to include NH4+ and N2 as they are used for catabolism and are not equal the carbon source in the reaction. I don't understand, why in all the other reactions we do include the electron donor and acceptor also in the anabolic reaction, but not in the last reaction? What is the difference to the other reactions?

Thanks a lot.


In reply to Claudine Bettina Karlen

Re: Feedback Tutorial 2

by Marc Deront -

Je pense que votre incompréhension vient d'une erreur d'interprétation de l'énoncé...
Les colonnes du tableau Anabolisme (acceptor/donnor d'e-) viennent du tableau Catabolisme...
Ici la source_N étant NO2-/NO3-...  Il donne est aussi donneur d'e- .
Peut être faudrait-il corrigée l'énoncé anabolisme et retirer le NH4+ comme donneur d'e- pour éviter la confusion?
Bien cordialement.