6. Gauge invariance, the electromagnetic field and its coupling to charged fields. Quantized electromagnetic field. Massive vector field.
7. Discrete symmetries: P, C, T and CPT.
8. Interacting fields. Formal theory of relativistic scattering. Asymptotic states. Lippmann-Schwinger equation. S-matrix and its symmetries. S-matrix in perturbation theory and Feynman diagrams. Cross sections and decay-rates.
9. Fundamental interactions. Quantum electrodynamics. Electroweak interactions and the Higgs mechanism. Parity violation.
Required prior knowledge: Electrodynamics, Special relativity, Quantum Mechanics I and II.
Teaching: Ex cathedra (2 hrs per week, 14 weeks) and exercises (2hrs per week, 14 weeks)
Exam: oral, consisting of one theoretical question and one exercise, picked randomly and for which the candidate is allowed a 30 minute preparation
Note: Prerequisite for Theoretical Physics
- Professor: Riccardo Rattazzi
- Teacher: Gil Badel
- Teacher: Alfredo Glioti