Lasers Course Fall 2017 Instructors Dr. habil. Tobias J. Kippenberg (PATT) Prof. Christophe Moser Time: 10:15 am – 12 Course description: Laser are of fundamental importance in science, engineering and technology. This course gives an introduction to Lasers by both considering fundamental principles and applications. Topics that are covered include the theory of lasers, laser resonators and laser dynamics. Different laser systems (gas lasers and solid state lasers) will be described. In addition the generation of laser pulses using mode-locked lasers will be covered, ultra-short pulse propagation as well as applications of ultra-fast lasers to optical frequency metrology discussed. In addition important properties such as laser line-width and fundamental noise will be covered as well as optical parametric oscillators (OPOs) and Raman lasers.
- Professor: Tobias Kippenberg
- Professor: Christophe Moser
- Assistant: Miles Henry Anderson
- Assistant: Chiara Bonati
- Assistant: Mikhail Churaev
- Assistant: Sergey Fedorov
- Assistant: Georgia Konstantinou
- Assistant: Jan Krizek
- Assistant: Tianyi Liu
- Assistant: Anton Lukashchuk
- Assistant: Jorge Andres Madrid Wolff
- Assistant: Babak Rahmani
- Assistant: Johann Emmeram Riemensberger
- Assistant: Anat Siddharth
- Assistant: Ugur Tegin
- Assistant: Aleksandr Tusnin
- Assistant: Wenle Weng