Lecture 7 Question

Lecture 7 Question

by George Adaimi -
Number of replies: 2

Hello Professor,

While checking the pdf file of lecture 7 on moodle, I noticed that it is not exactly the material we covered in class. For example, I cannot find information about the reflection principle or arc-sine law in the pdf. Moreover, I don’t remember the cut-off phenomenon being covered in class. Are we responsible for this pdf file for the exam?

Thank you.

In reply to George Adaimi

Re: Lecture 7 Question

by Olivier Lévêque -

Dear George,

Indeed lecture 7 I gave on Thursday differs from what is in the lecture notes, which will be mostly covered next week.

So regarding the midterm, the material covered will be the one I covered in class until week 7, not the one in the lecture notes. To be clear: the cutoff phenomemon is an optional topic (but personally, I find this one quite interesting, so would like to encourage you to come to the lecture next Thursday :)

All the best.


PS: Unfortunately, the posts on the Q&A forum (including George's question) were not sent automatically to everyone until now, so please check this forum for questions that came earlier.

In reply to Olivier Lévêque

Re: Lecture 7 Question

by Ilija Gjorgjiev -

Would it possible for notes/material to be posted about the reflection principle and arcsine law? Thank you