Questions Quizz 2018

Questions Quizz 2018

par Olivier Cloux,
Number of replies: 1


For question 5.2 of last year's quizz, I don't understand why T4 is not crossed (apparently, 78% of last year's students also didn't ^^).

In slide 13 of PoS Tagging lecture, limited scope for syntactic dependencies at k neighbours, is stated as dependent, for T_i, on tags T_{i-k} \to T_{i-1}. Why is T_{i+1} also a dependence ? This does not seem to fit the Markov assumption...


O. Cloux

(p.s. feel free to put your 2018 questions below to keep them grouped)

In reply to Olivier Cloux

Re: Questions Quizz 2018

par Jean-Cédric Chappelier,

It does! This is what I mentioned several times and very precisely when emphasizing the backward part of the Viterbi algorithm, but I know it's tricky (carefully look what the question is about): do not confuse what is computed with the way it is parametrized: it's not because we parametrize P(T_1,...,T_n) with P(T_i|T_{i-1}) that we are not maximizing P(T_1,...,T_n).

More precisely w.r.t. that very question: if you want the formal proof in this very case: P(T_3|T_1 T_2 T_4) = P(T_1 T_2 T_3 T_4) / P(T_1 T_2 T_4) = P(T_1) P(T_2 | T_1) P(T_3 | T_2) P(T_4|T_3) / \sum_t P(T_1) P(T_2 | T_1) P(t | T_2) P(T_4|t) = P(T_1) P(T_2 | T_1) P(T_3 | T_2) P(T_4|T_3) /  (P(T_1) P(T_2 | T_1) \sum_t P(t | T_2) P(T_4|t)) = P(T_3 | T_2) P(T_4|T_3) /  \sum_t P(t | T_2) P(T_4|t)) = P(T_3 | T_2) P(T_4|T_3 T_2) /  \sum_t P(t | T_2) P(T_4|t T_2)) = P(T_3 T_4| T_2) /  \sum_t P(t T_4| T_2) = P(T_3 T_4| T_2) /  P(T_4| T_2) = P(T_3| T_2 T_4). QED 

But pay attention to what is referred to: parameters, not considered altogether, I mean, not when talking about the global proba P(T_1,...,T_n) are indeed only left to right : P(T_i|T_{i-1}); but as soon as it's about the whole (global) proba, there is no "left-to-right biais" anymore, only the global proba is under consideration.
I hope it makes sense....