parsing: material covered in class (= expected to be known)

parsing: material covered in class (= expected to be known)

by Jean-Cédric Chappelier -
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For those of you who did not attend Nov. 13th lesson (or those who missed the point): slides 41/47 to 45/47 of "Parsing and formal grammars" lecture (started Nov. 06th) were NOT done this year and are thus NOT expected to be known this year. So don't bother any [ \alpha \bullet \cdots ] like notation this year; simply replace it by "some non-terminal".

Especially in slide 22/29 of today's lecture ("stochastic parsing"), understand \alpha, \beta as non-terminals on the picture and forget about (= remove) the sentence that talks about [ \alpha \bullet \cdots ].

I also take the opportunity to mention again that Earley parsing is no longer in the scope of the course (but was last year). So don't worry about that either.