Question regarding SCFG Implementation

Question regarding SCFG Implementation

par Deleted user,
Number of replies: 2


In the slide 22 of the Probabilistic Parsing lecture, it is mentioned that v_i = max(v_i, v_j*v_k*rho_i). Here, by v_i, we are referring to each non terminal present in cell i, right?

Thank You

In reply to Deleted user

Re: Question regarding SCFG Implementation

par Jean-Cédric Chappelier,

Yes almost but not exactly: more precisely in the formula you mention v_i refers to the maximum probability of "element i" (as mentioned above), which indeed is a non-terminal in a cell. This max-proba is the proba of the most probable parse that has root "element i" (a non-terminal, thus) in that cell (= covering the corresponding word subsequence).

The reason why we are here refering to "element i" rather than "non-terminal i" is simply because of a generalization of CYK (known as "bottom-up chart parsing") which was not covered in class this year (see

Does it make more sense?

In reply to Jean-Cédric Chappelier

Re: Question regarding SCFG Implementation

par Deleted user,

Yes, it is clearer to me now. Thank you for your answer!