Solution of quiz 4

Solution of quiz 4

by Beatriz Borges -
Number of replies: 3

Good afternoon,

Similarly as with quiz 2 and quiz 3 of 2018, I was wondering if it would be possible to make the solutions of last year's quiz 4 also available so that we can check our answers.

Thank you very much,


In reply to Beatriz Borges

Re: Solution of quiz 4

by Jean-Cédric Chappelier -

Sure! (sorry I forgot...)

Here there are.

[ Fixed 21:52: uploading the right file :-$ ]

In reply to Jean-Cédric Chappelier

Re: Solution of quiz 4

by Beatriz Borges -

Thank you! However, the attached file contains the questions only. Would it be possible to have the solutions as well? Sorry for the inconvenience and thank you once again!