

by Isinsu Katircioglu -
Number of replies: 0

Dear all,

During the semester we will have exercise sessions every other week as scheduled in the course moodle page. The goal of the exercises is to practice what you’ve learnt in the lecture. We will be using Python, NumPy, OpenCV within Jupyter Notebook environment. Please install Python, Jupyter Notebook and necessary Python packages before coming to the first session.

Steps to follow:

Install Python: https://www.anaconda.com/distribution/ (download python 3.7)

install Jupyter-notebook: https://jupyter.org/install

Install OpenCV:  https://anaconda.org/conda-forge/opencv (use “conda install -c conda-forge opencv”)

For the exercise sessions, you’ll have to bring your laptops. The exercises will be available before each session and we would like to encourage you to revise them in advance so that you can take full advantage of the TAs who will be answering your questions in the classrooms. We will be releasing the solutions during the week after each session. The sessions will be held in the rooms INM 200 and 202.

If there is any issue with the installation we can help you during the first exercise session (25th of Feb).

Best regards,