Looking for a group

Looking for a group

by Pauline Gabrielle Françoise Heusghem -
Number of replies: 6

I am a SV student in second year of master. I don’t have any experience with Unity but I am really motivated!

Contact me if your are also looking for a team :)

In reply to Pauline Gabrielle Françoise Heusghem

Re: Looking for a group

by Peter Krcmar -

Hey !

I'm a master CS student and am also looking for a group. Don't have any experience either but I learn fast !

I speak both french and english btw :)

Let me know if you wanna team up !

In reply to Pauline Gabrielle Françoise Heusghem

Looking for a group

by Haley Sapphie Owsianko -
If you two are looking for a third group member, I'm available. I'm a cs master student as well, have no unity experience (but enough programming experience to make up for that), and speak French and English
In reply to Pauline Gabrielle Françoise Heusghem

Looking for a group

by Pauline Gabrielle Françoise Heusghem -
Hey perfect then I think we can make a team?
I also speak French! :)
In reply to Pauline Gabrielle Françoise Heusghem

Re: Looking for a group

by Pauline Gabrielle Françoise Heusghem -
on se voit à la prochaine pause? :)