Units in the differetial equation

Units in the differetial equation

by Kiarash Farivar -
Number of replies: 1

I know that in order to simulate a neuron properly in Brain2 we need to get the units right in the differential equation.

But in the case of the Quadratic integrate and fire model we clearly get a V^2 in the quadratic term. So in order to pass the check of the library I set the unit of the a0 parameter to 1/V. So my questions are:

1.is setting a0 to 1/V a correct thing to do ?

2. What if I modeled my neuron in such a way that I didn't use the constant a0 (a0=1) in definition of my model. Then unit-wise would the model make sense ?

In reply to Kiarash Farivar

Re: Units in the differetial equation

by Christos Sourmpis -

As you mention in your post Brian2 is sensitive in the units so it is necessary to always use them when they are needed. So the answer to both of your questions is that you need to define:
a0 =  (a value) / b2.volt
