Remote hands-on session

Remote hands-on session

by Mathias Guy Delahaye -
Number of replies: 3

Hi everyone,

Given the recent events, the course on Monday will be given remotely.
However, as you need an Oculus Quest to perform this hands-on, one member of each group should come to my office next week ( if we are still allowed to access the building ) in order to take an HMD for his group.

Thus this hands-on is probably going to be delayed towards the end of the week to ensure every group can work with one device.
You will be informed of the upcoming changes.

Wishing you a good week-end, best regards,

   Mathias DELAHAYE

In reply to Mathias Guy Delahaye

Re: Remote hands-on session / is delayed

by Ronan Boulic -

At the moment nobody can access the building except for recording online courses requiring special equipments.

In the spirit of the last measures, project groups should not gather physically to work together for the time being.

So we still have to  get authorized that one TA can collect the oculus quests to deliver it to a single member of each group according to a safe protocol to be defined next week.

We are sorry for the inconvenience.

In reply to Ronan Boulic

Re: Remote hands-on session / is delayed

by Mathias Guy Delahaye -

We received our authorization to access our office thus we can start to dispatch HMDs.

The meeting point is the BC building.
nly one member of each group at the same time.

Thus you can fill the following doodle to organize yourself :
Only 5 HMD are immediately available yet so only 5 members of different groups should come in BC today.

I am also asked to tell you "You should also not travel by public transportation to EPFL."
Tips : The EPFL provides you a free account for PubliBike (


In reply to Mathias Guy Delahaye

Re: Remote hands-on session

by Mathias Guy Delahaye -
Hi everyone,

Thus far we still don't know if we received our special authorization to access the building,
thus you must not come to the EPFL to get your HMD until you received our green light.

You can still find on the moodle the link of the description for the next hands-on about
how to build a simple application for the Oculus Quest.

You can already start to follow this tutorial to see if your environment is well configured
(adb installled, android build support for unity, etc.).

If you have questions please use the forum as it may also help the others.

As you must avoid physical contact, we strongly encourage you to use distributed tools (such as git)
combined with a remote repository (e.g a gitlab instance :

To avoid conflicts when merging local branches with the remote repository you should
determine each member's role in advance.
For instance, as git won't parse unity scene files, you will face troubles when solving merge conflict
for separated changes on the same scene file
Eg. A adds the gameobject Cube on the scene sceneA while B moves the gameobject Sphere on the scene sceneA

Thus you should separate the workload of each member on separate files
Eg. A works on the class handling the interaction a while B works on the other class handling the
interaction b and C is working on the integration of these two classes to provide the final result
(this is just an example, it also works with scenes separation, modules, etc.).

Unfortunately only one will have the device, thus this member will have to be
available to remotely test the work of the others.
A good point is that you will have to think your game for the others and not only for you.

Otherwise, we decided to swap the next hands-on subject (basic interactions and locomotion)
with the one originally scheduled in two weeks (finger interactions).

   Mathias DELAHAYE