Looking for a mini-project partner!

Looking for a mini-project partner!

by Thomas Christian Pintaric -
Number of replies: 1

Hi everyone,

I know I'm a bit late, but I'm also still looking for a mini-project partner!

My background: I'm an exchange student from TU Wien (Austria), studying for a Master's Degree in Computer Engineering with elective specialization in Cyber Physical Systems. I left Switzerland a few days ago to wait out the COVID-19 situation back home in Vienna, from where I'm taking this class remotely.

Let me know (my e-mail: thomas.pintaric@epfl.ch) if you haven't found a partner yet and are interested in joining forces! :)

Best regards,

In reply to Thomas Christian Pintaric

Re: Looking for a mini-project partner!

by Sicheng Xie -
Hey mate I'd been keen if you're still looking