Week 6 announcements !

Week 6 announcements !

par Martin Louis Lucien Rémy Barry,
Number of replies: 2

Dear all,

I hope you all are doing well, in these weird times. 

- The submission deadline for the first miniproject has finally arrived. Please all submit here before this evening (30/03/2020 23h GMT+1) . 

EDIT ! Sorry it is next week for the submission. We have opened the submissions, but you still have until next monday to submit your project.. Sorry I keep losing track of time ! And sorry if I scared some of you 

- At the same time, the miniproject number 2 will be available during the day, and will be due in 4 weeks. We still ask you to work in teams of 2 (no more no less). 

REMINDER: the students are asked to do 2 out of 3 miniprojects (the third one will be given in 4 weeks).

If a student does 3 miniprojects, the final grade will only take the 2 worst one into account.

- Today's  TA session will be from 11 to 13, and should not change within the next weeks. We are still using the SLACK/ZOOM framework, follow this link for those who did not install it so far.

- Finally, Note that for all the students alone/scared due to COVID-19 outbreak, EPFL has set up a student support online. Do not hesitate to contact them in case of any problem (not even related to the coronavirus). We also strongly encourage each and one of you to continue having social relations through Zoom,skype, discord... apero/board games/family meeting etc... Living alone is hard and not so healthy !

Have a great day see you for the TA session,

The Tas.

In reply to Martin Louis Lucien Rémy Barry

Re: Week 6 announcements !

par Inès De Riedmatten,


You told us last week that the mini-project 1 deadline was for the 30. I quote what you said (15 march 2020):


In the previous post I said that we did not change the deadline.. Sorry it was a mistake.

We did change the deadline of 1 week, the  deadline is the 30th of march (not the 23rd as initially claimed) since most of the students have questions the last week of the miniproject and tomorrow we expect to have turbulences in the TA session =)"

Did you change your mind ?

