Clarification on Lab2 task

Clarification on Lab2 task

par Leonardo Mussa,
Number of replies: 2


I am not sure I understand well what we are expected to do for Lab2.

In the slides "Custom Instruction (slides) + Lab2" it says "Implement it in an accelerator module": what is the difference with "Implement it as a custom instruction"?

If I understand well a custom instruction is a logic circuit we add directly inside the processor, does this mean that for the "Accelerator module" we need to create an external component?

I have also another doubt: in the slides "Profiling (slides)" it says "... to exercise profiling make the Altera tutorial...". What is this referring to?

Thanks a lot for your help!

In reply to Leonardo Mussa

Re: Clarification on Lab2 task

par Sahand Kashani-Akhavan,


The goal of this lab is to implement performance-enhancing circuitry for a workload that is difficult to express in C, but which can be done in a very parallel fashion in hardware (bit pattern shuffling). There are multiple hardware implementations possible for this performance-enhancing circuitry:

  1. Creating a hardware accelerator: A unit which is external to the CPU that contains a read/write DMA engine, as well as the bit pattern shuffling circuitry.
  2. Creating a custom instruction: A unit that is internal to the CPU that does not contain a read/write DMA, but rather just the bit pattern shuffling circuitry.

Using the custom instruction approach makes it easier to accelerate software code as you can replace a few loops and branches which were used in C to do the bit shuffling with a single instruction that the compiler understands and transmits to the CPU's ALU. However, custom instructions can have less performance than a custom accelerator with a DMA unit, and the goal of this lab is to quantify this difference and get a feel for how significant it is, and if the effort needed to design a custom accelerator with a DMA unit on a bus is worth it depending on the workload.

The profiling tutorial you are asking about is this one:

It shows you how to use the GNU profiler on a Nios II system, along with the caveats this entails.

In reply to Sahand Kashani-Akhavan

Re: Clarification on Lab2 task

par René Beuchat,

For the tutorial, a more recent document is available:

a more recent document is available (2011).

Associated with a web site:

and a full document on Embedded Design from IntelFPGA:

The idea is NOT to do the tutorial as explained, but to see the methodology in step by step.

I hope it will help.